From State Champions to National and even World Champions, Georgia's youth exhibitors will be honored Feb. 10. Join the Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Equine at the Depot across from the Capitol in Atlanta from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. as we honor the youth of Georgia, including Conyers resident Cory Lytle & "Purely Private," for winning the 2009 State 4-H Huntseat Champion, 2009 Palmetto Regional Novice Youth 18&U Hi-Pt. Champion, and 2009 Palmetto Regional 13 & U Hi-Pt. Champion distinctions.
Also, the Rockdale 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Team placed first at State last weekend, the first time a Rockdale 4H team placed first in about eight years. The team also Master Status - the highest honor in Georgia 4-H. They have worked together seven years to accomplish this. They will represent Georgia at the national contest in Lousiville, Ky.