The Southeastern Directors of Volunteer Services in Healthcare Organizations is pleased to announce that Martha Taylor, Newton Medical Center director of volunteer services, is the recipient of the Director of Volunteer Services of the Year award. This award is given annually for outstanding contributions and professionalism in the field of volunteer administration.
"Martha has displayed innovative and exemplary leadership abilities through her involvement with SDVSHO," said Ginger Beebe, first lady of Arkansas and honorary chair of the award selection committee. "Martha is an inspiration to the people whose lives she touches each day."
Taylor has served as director of volunteer services at NMC in Covington for 25 years and is responsible for the supervision of more than 250 volunteers who donate approximately 34,000 hours of their time annually helping NMC staff, patients and their families.
She has been the guiding force for many fundraising and community outreach projects. Her influence is pervasive and measurable in hard data and human impact.
Thirteen states in the Southeast were represented at the annual SDVSHO conference in April where Taylor and several Auxiliary Board members attended. Taylor was responsible for assembling the 42 guest speakers for the four-day program.