With the D.A.R.E. program no longer operating, the Covington Police Department wanted to find an alternate way to help children in the community. On Friday, the CPD Chief Stacey Cotton presented a $9,332 check to the Washington Street Community to help support the numerous children’s tutoring and enrichment programs provided by the center.
The money was part of an $18,000 grant that General Mills originally made to the D.A.R.E. program.
“We wanted to do things for the kids, and we realized that Washington Street needed money. (General Mills Plant Manager) Mark Bible agreed this was a great place for the money to go,” Cotton said to WSCC Executive Director Bea Jackson. “I know you will do good with it.”
Jackson said she was honored to receive the money.
“Especially in the hard times we’re going through, this money will go a long way,” Jackson said.
The other half of the original grant will be given to the Newton County Sheriff’s Office for its C.H.A.M.P.S. program which educates children about drug prevention, gangs, peer pressure and self-respect.