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Man on the Street: What type of business is missing from Newton County?

COVINGTON, Ga. - Newton County offers a plethora of restaurants, stores and service options for its residents, but is there something missing?

Meagan King: “A good play place for toddlers.  There are some location that you can take children, but they’re not exactly toddler-friendly.  I think if they could come up with a place that is safe and regulated, it would be great to give moms a break without having to pay a huge fee at a daycare.”

Herbert Woodruff: Woodruff says he would like some more cafeteria style restaurants. 

Randy Parker: Parker notes the lack of entertainment options for Newton County residents.  He specifically would appreciate an FYE-For Your Entertainment, which is an establishment that offers a variety of entertainment products such as videogames and movies, as well as pre owned products.   

Robin and Sharon Klein: The Kleins are from New York and miss the delicatessens.  They say that those would make a great addition to Newton County, as well as more dining in general. 

Raul Ramos: “I really think we’re missing some entertainment…we need a little more diversity, we’re a little sprawled out.” Ramos continued, “We could do something with a drive in theatre, too.”