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Roadway maintenance contract affecting Newton, Walton

COVINGTON, Ga. - Georgia Department of Transportation recently awarded a $447,000 maintenance contract to E.R. Snell Contractor, Inc. covering three routes sections in Newton County and one in Walton County.
It totality the work features 945 tons of patching, crack sealing 40 lane miles and striping almost 17 center-lane miles.
Work areas include:

  • State Route (SR) 81 from south of Broad Street to SR 12
  • SR 162 from SR 81 to the Rockdale County line
  • SR 12 from the construction project end joint to the Walton County line
  • SR 12 in Walton County from the Newton to Morgan County lines

This Wednesday the patching starts first on SR 81 then on to SR 12 in Newton County. Crack sealing will be next on SR 81, 162 and 12 in Newton and then SR 12 in Walton.
Striping on all routes will be done lastly. The project is scheduled to be completed by March 2018.
Expect lane closures and delays in the work zones.
This and similar upcoming maintenance service contracts within the 27-county east central District come from the Transportation Funding Act of 2015. Georgia DOT uses the sustained annual revenue from the TFA to launch much-needed routine maintenance and capital improvements.