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Newton County Jail Log 3/22/09
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o Johnny Wade Phillips, 32, 67 Cowan Road, Lot 16, Covington, March 6. Court sentenced to work release.

Derrick Lamar Pickens, 46, 270 Willow Shoals Dr., Covington, March 9. Court sentenced to serve 20 days.

Aaron Christopher Prickett, 27, Conyers, March 6. Court sentenced to 3 months work release.

Jose Berual Sandoval, 46, 10508 Magnolia Heights, Covington, March 4. Probation violation.

Matthew Lewis Simpson, 36, Conyers, March 4. Court sentenced.

Sylvia Elaine Sims, 50, 9258 Settlers Grove Road, Covington, March 6. Possession of cocaine, possession and use of drug related objects, obstruction or hindering law enforcement officers.

Dontravious Antione Slaton, 19, 1 Elm St., Porterdale, March 4. Probation violation.

Matthew Lewis Simpson, 36, Conyers, March 4. Court sentenced to 180 days.

Sylvia Elaine Sims, 50, 9258 Settlers Grove Road, Covington, March 6. Possession of cocaine, possession and use of drug related objects, obstruction or hindering law enforcement officers.

Dontravious Antione Slaton, 17, 105 Kestrel Circle, Covington, March 10. Burglary.

James Leonard Stokes, 48, Widner, March 10. Probation violation.

Christoher Jabbar Thomas, 34, 25 Brookwood Dr., Covington, March 5. Two counts child support default.

Kelvin Lamound Thomas, 32, 2114 Clark St., Covington, March 4. Probation violation.

Larry Randall Thomas, 34, 6104 Alcovy Road, Covington, March 5. Possession of cocaine.

Joseph Daniel Thompson, 33, Winder, March 9. Probation violation.

Rafael Perez Tuggle, 22, 80 Windcrest Dr., Covington, March 10. Court sentenced.

Larry Eugene Usher, 49, 2347 Christian Circle, Covington, March 8. Two counts probation violation.

Christopher Eugene Wade, 38, 3192 Perry Allen, Covington, March 5. Child support abandonment of dependent child.

Antonio O’Neal Walker, 31, 8120 Moore St., Covington, March 8. Probation violation.

Jennifer Ann Wammock, 35, Swainsboro, March 5. Surety offense.

Michael Leon Williams, 48, 1000 Mote Road, Covington, March 6. Improper lane usage, failure to yield to emergency vehicle, child endangerment (while DUI0, open container, driving while license suspended or revoked (first offense), DUI/alcohol per se.

Rohan Christopher Wilson, 41, 101007 Wellington Dr., Covington, March 8. Theft by shoplifting.

Willie Lamar Avery, 43, 3116 Fowler St., Covington, March 7. Loitering or prowling.

Brian Hoke Baker, 32, McDonough, March 5. Improper lane usage, failure to maintain lane, driving while license suspended.

David James Bell, 69, 9164 Fair St., Covington, March 6. Court sentenced.

Robert Antione Billins, 20, Stone Mountain, March 8. Improper lane usage, DUI.

Peggy Ellen Buice, 49, Conyers, March 4. Court sentenced.

Christina Nichole Burrell, 30, 6460 Ga. Highway 20, Covington, March 4. DUI.

Stacy Annette Clark, 37, Griffin, March 6. Deposit account fraud.

Tony Lamar Clark, 51, 100 Georgia Road, Covington, March 5. Bench warrant, failure to appear.

Jeannie Lynn Coe, 38, Monroe, March 8. Improper lane usage, failure to yield, DUI, operation of vehicle without current license, improper left turn.

Tracy Demetria Cook, 30, P.O. Box 937, Covington, March 6. Battery.

Keith Chad Phillip Cope, 19, 115 Aiken Way, Covington, March 7. Possession of marijuana less than one ounce, drinking under age.

Ramos Jose Cordero, 35, McDonough, March 5. Speeding, DUI.

Craig Alan Cormier, 44, 418 Smith Store Road, Covington, March 4. DUI alcohol, reckless driving, driving while license suspended.

Don Ansley Daniel, 52, 10 Mulberry St., Porterdale, March 6. Possession of Schedule I & II Drug (methamphetamine).

Jessica Maria Davis, 23, 12965 GA. Highway 142, Newborn, March 9. Giving false name or address.

Timothy James Duren, 33, 10331 Magnolia Circle, Covington, March 7. DUI, obstruction or hindering law enforcement officers, no seat belts.

Hubert Alex Fowler, 67, Atlanta, March 6. Public drunkenness.

Michael William Freeman, 38, 4723 Ga. Highway 81, Covington, March 5. Child support default.

Jonathan La’Shane Gaither, 24, 4598 Ga. Highway 213, Newborn, March 10. Disorderly conduct.

Brandon Tyler Gray, 18, 270 Dallas Trail, Covington, March 7. Possession of marijuana less than one ounce, furnishing to, purchase or possession of alcohol by minor.

Stephanie Renee Greer, 28, 460 Ga. Highway 142, Lot. 42, Covington, March 6. DUI/drugs less safe.

Gary Dean Hacker Jr., 20, 190 Hidden Pines Dr., Covington, March 8. DUI per se.

Earl Bernard Hamp, 20, 290 Branchwood Dr., Covington, March 8. Disorderly conduct.

William Dwayne Harden, 48, Conyers, March 6. Family Violence Act battery.

Johnny Lee Harper, 71, 4124 Newborn Road, No. 142, Newborn, March 7. Public drunkenness.

Eric Sharrod Harris Jr., 24, Social Circle, March 9. Probation violation.

Mace Harris Jr., 44, Monroe, March 9. Probation violation.

Joanne Lynn Hogan, 36, 42 Edgefield lane, 36, Covington, Mar h 4. Theft of services, two counts DUI, improper lane usage, driving while license suspended.

Martha Faye Holloway, 41, 251 Greenbrier Lane, Newborn, March 7. Littering highway, open container.

Horace Horton, 52, 25 Brookwood Dr., Covington, March 7. Obstruction or hindering law enforcement officer, fleeing or attempting to elude, driving while license suspended, giving false name or address, DUI refusal, alteration of license plates.

Spencer Renaldo Hudson, 20, 10138 Henderson Dr., Covington, March 8. Sale, distribution, possession of controlled substance, drugs to be kept in original container.

Joshua Eugene Inscore, 19, 505 Raby Road, Covington, March 7. Drinking under age, possession of marijuana less than one ounce.

Christopher M. Jennings, 17, 1762 Kirkland Road, Covington, March 10. Battery.

Glenn Edward Johnson, 41, Atlanta, March 5. Child support default.

John Arthur Kelley, 19, McDonough, March 9. Possession, manufacture, distribution of controlled substance.

Jessica Sade Kemper, 20, Stone Mountain, March 7. Theft by shoplifting.

Dwain Michael Key, 50, 200 Wren Road, Covington, March 5. Fleeing or attempting to elude, DUI less safe.

Samuel Quadrelle King, 22, 400 Oak Hill Dr., Covington, March 10. Simple battery, criminal trespass.

Deborah Ann Lassetter, 50, Monticello, March 8. Theft by shoplifting.

Justin Andre Lee, 18, Chamblee, March 7. Driving without a license.

Marquita Kelvonta Manuel, 21, 44 Dylan Downs Court, Covington, March 8. Disorderly conduct.

Edward Ray Mayberry, 32, 110B Plum Orchard, Covington, March 8. Public drunkenness.

Eric John Mitchell, 19, 14 Scout Road, Covington, March 7. Drinking under age.

Helen Denise Mitchell, 39, 240 Carol Dr., Oxford, March 5. Deposit account fraud.

Ruby Dianne Moss, 53, 1320 Duncan, Oxford, March 6. Theft by shoplifting.

Amy Nicole Patterson, 26, 8144 Moone Circle, Covington, March 5. DUI, DUI/endangering child under 14.

Brandice Re’Nard Patterson, 18, 190 Spring Valley Way, Covington, March 5. Theft by shoplifting.

Tonya Melissa Payne, 28, 42 Edgefield Lane, Covington, March 4. Theft of services, public drunkenness.

Leandro Reyes Perez, 28, 10121 Jefferson Village, Covington, March 7. Obstruction or hindering law enforcement officers.

Charles Anthony Pietri, 46, 55 Pleasant Hills Dr., Covington, March 8. Disorderly conduct.