Dear Editor,
Our community is home to the most humbling and inspiring “new year’s celebration” that I have had the privilege to experience.
On the first Friday of January (before the start of the new Legislative Session), we host a prayer breakfast. This event is the brainchild of our Alcovy Circuit Superior Court Judges and is jointly sponsored by Kiwanis Club of Covington and Rotary Club of Covington. It brings together elected and appointed officials, other community leaders, and the general public for a time of fellowship and prayer at the start of a new year.
Yes, that’s right. Civic clubs that work together. Judges that dedicate themselves to community service. Elected officials that come together across party lines and jurisdictions.
The room was filled with passionate people wholove this community. Our keynote speaker this year was Georgia Supreme Court Justice Robert Benham. His remarks centered not on legal updates or even courtroom lessons; his remarks highlighted the power of positivity in a community, specifically the power of prayer. The event was, as it usually is, awe-inspiring.
If you were there, you know what I mean. It is a wonderful way to start off your year. If you were not there, put Jan. 4, 2019 on your calendar now.
To all the Kiwanis and Rotary members, thank you. This is not a simple event that just happens and it wouldn’t without the hard work and support of the members of these two great civic clubs.
To you, our community leaders and our neighbors, thank you for making this a remarkable place to call home.
Hosanna Fletcher
President, 2017-18
Kiwanis Club of Covington