Piedmont Academy held its year-end honor’s day program on Thursday, May 14.
Dr. Michael Rossi opened the assembly and thanked those in attendance as well as the students being recognized in the program.
Lee Aldhizer with the Georgia Military College EXCEL joint enrollment program presented and stated that several students had earned 33 college credits by taking English 101, 102, World Literature, and Biology.
In high school, the students with the highest academic average or overall GPA were ninth grader Briana Bailey, tenth grader Matthew O’Brien, eleventh grader Trevor Wilson and twelfth grader Kelly King. Students with the second highest grade point average, receiving outstanding academic effort, were ninth grader Drew Odegaard, tenth grader Amanda Jackson, eleventh grader Carter Greeson and twelfth grader Hugo McCoy.
Subject awards with the highest academic average were presented in each of the disciplines taught.
In the area of social studies, economics went to Kelly King, American history to Hannah Maloney, American history honors to Carter Greeson, US relations to Ashley Cain, civics to Seth Harvey, honors civics to Briana Bailey, world history to Garrett Richardson, honors world history to Matthew O’Brien and AP US government and politics to Kelly King.
In English, ninth grade honors English went to Briana Bailey, ninth traditional English to Mateson Slaughter, tenth honors English to Matthew O’Brien, tenth traditional English to Lexie Fields, eleventh honors English to Trevor Wilson, eleventh traditional English to Alicia Bassett, joint enrollment honors English to Kelly King and twelfth traditional English to Brittany Wilson.
Mathematics awards included traditional geometry, which went to Taylor Fields, honors geometry to Briana Bailey, calculus to Kelly King, honors pre-calculus to Trevor Wilson, pre-calculus to Mary Ashlynn Dennis, college algebra to Nataly Rivera, honors college algebra to Amanda Jackson, algebra II to Jessie Wagnon and advanced algebra to Tiffany Smith.
Science awards were presented for honors physics to Carter Greeson, math of science to Brittany Wilson, conceptual physics to Matt Wilson, joint enrollment biology to Kelly King, honors chemistry to Amanda Jackson and Matthew O’Brien, chemistry to Dylan Collins, honors biology to Briana Bailey, biology to Taylor Fields and genetics/forensics to Aly Kinard and Kelly King.
Foreign language awards were presented for Latin I to Davis Kimball, Spanish I to Briana Bailey, Spanish II to Matthew O’Brien and Wyley Deleza and Spanish III to Hugo McCoy.
Electives included SAT prep, which went to Amanda Hauther, comparative religions to Andy Hall, debate to Trevor Wilson, Mythology I to Matthew Sessions, Mythology II to Wyley Deleza, journalism to editor Brittany Wilson, publications to Tamara Sessums and Aly Kinard, business law to Kelly King and personal finance to Amanda Jackson and Matthew O’Brien.
Awards were also given for high school students with the second highest academic average in subjects and receiving outstanding effort certificates.
The middle school students were recognized next during the ceremony. Students receiving the highest academic average with their overall GPA in sixth grade went to Cheyenne Galloway, seventh grade to Savannah McGinnis, and eighth grade to Carley Cain. Students receiving the second highest GPA in sixth grade was Marissa Mooneyham, seventh grade Katie Odegaard, and eighth Jessie Landress.
Subject awards with the highest academic average in sixth grade social studies went to Cheyenne Galloway, language arts studies to Morgan Tillman and Cheyenne Galloway, English to Marissa Mooneyham and Morgan Tillman, life science to Cheyenne Galloway and Morgan Tillman and math to PJ Leonetti.
Seventh grade social studies awards went to Savannah McGinnis, language arts studies to Katie Odegaard and Austin Bass, earth science to Katie Odegaard, English to Katie Odegaard and pre-algebra to Austin Bass.
In eighth grade the subject awards for social studies, English, language arts studies, physical science, algebra and computer applications were all presented to Carley Cain.
Students receiving outstanding effort in subjects with the second highest academic average in sixth grade went to Morgan Tillman in social studies, language arts studies to Hank Strickland and Taylor Maddox, English to Cheyenne Galloway and Taylor Maddox, life science to Marissa Mooneyham and math to Cheyenne Galloway.
Seventh grade awards in social studies went to Katie Odegaard, language arts studies to Mackenzie Brittain and Savannah McGinnis, English to Savannah McGinnis, earth science to Austin Bass and Savannah McGinnis and pre-algebra to Savannah McGinnis and Katie Odegaard.
Eighth grade awards in American history went to Lanie King and Lucy Strickland, English and language arts studies to Jessie Landress, physical science to Brittany Germany and algebra to Lanie King.
Additional awards were also presented. Senior Hugo McCoy received Wendy’s academic scholarship. High school sophomore Angelia Brown, and sixth grade student Gabriel Courtman were given certificates of appreciation from the Monticello Kiwanis Talent Showcase 2009.
Juniors Carter Greeson and Trevor Wilson were presented with the University of Georgia Certificate of Merit.