COVINGTON, Ga. - After this week’s Board of Education meeting, the chances of Homer Sharp Stadium receiving a new scoreboard is becoming more of a reality.
The final decision on the scoreboard will be made at the March 12 BOE meeting.
One reason being, a meeting with the head coaches and athletic directors was on the schedule a day after the February board meeting. Once the scoreboard is discussed with those managing it, the board members feel it will make their decision more concrete. Some other questions came into play regarding the big decision such as the effects and definition of the scoreboard.
“The reality is no one is going to use 200 effects. So was it a possibility to decrease the effects and increase the actual definition and get the same price?” Shakila Henderson-Baker asked.
Security of the scoreboard also came up, as Eddie Johnson wanted to make sure the equipment is secured when not in use.
All of these questions and concerns will be discussed in March when the BOE members vote to approve or disapprove the new scoreboard.
If approved, the scoreboard will be purchased from Daktronics of Brookings, South Dakota an industry leader of digital solutions.
The proposed new scoreboard will have a live video display over 13 feet high by 24 feet wide and is fed by a four-camera video system. The school system will utilize a contract managed by the National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance to procure the scoreboard.
The total price for the scoreboard would be $199,990.