Present: Mayor Kimberly C. Carter, Mayor Pro-Tem Keith Dalton, Council members: Janet A. Goodman, Hawnethia Williams, Ocie Franklin and Chris Smith (Mike Whatley was absent), City Manager Steve Horton and City Attorney Edward A. Crudup, Jr.
1. Call to order.
2. Discussion of the minutes from the Regular Council Meeting held on August 16, 2010.
3. Discussion of a resolution to accept a "Georgia Growing Green ARRA Grant" from the Chestatee-Chattahoochee RC&D Council. (5-0)
4. Re-discussion of credit/debit card transaction fees. (5-0.)
5. Discussion of changes to the agenda. Two added items:
a. Write letter to acknowledge that Solid Rock Baptist Church does have a homeless shelter (5-0)
b. Adopt-a-horse asked to participate in fuzz run (No vote taken. Council decided not to allow.)
6. Public comments for any item not on the agenda.
7. Discussion of an application to sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption only for: Just Dogs, 5151 Highway 278 (5-0)
8. Discussion of fuel issues at airport. (3-2 vote to exercise early termination clause in contract with airport operator Dixie's Jet. Dalton, Franklin and Smith in favor. Goodman and Williams opposed.)
9. Discussion of letter from citizen regarding the Turner Lake Road to Brown Bridge Road connector spur. (No action taken. Council decided spur was not necessary.)
10. Request for City to donate use of Community Room at Fire Station 1 for Economic Smart Fair hosted by Chi Tau Omega-Alpha Kappa Alpha. (5-0)
11. Request for parking spaces on inner circle of the Square, adjacent to the performance area, to be blocked off for set up of concerts during the month of September. (5-0)
12. Discussion of road closure on Sunday, October 3rd from 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM. (5-0)
13. Discussion of MEAG Supplemental Power, Annual Subscription for 2011. (5-0)
14. Discussion of Amendment to Supplemental Power Purchase Agreement with MEAG. (5-0)
15. Discussion of bids for the purchase of 4 police vehicles. (5-0)
16. Discussion to obtain a prescriptive easement for an abandoned property on School Street for the School Street Drainage Project. (No action taken.)
17 Discussion to seek bids for the purchase of a dump truck for use at the LAS. ($51,000.00 in budget) (5-0)
18. Public comments.
19. Discussion of the following invoice:
WATER & SEWER, Consolidated Pipe & Supply Co., Inc.-Materials for Emory Street Waterline Project $21,436.77 (5-0)
20. Recommendations of the City Manager.
21. Recommendations of the Mayor and Council.
22. Adjourn.