There are wreaths on the Historic Courthouse and Santa’s chair has a place of prominence on the square, which means Christmas has officially come to Covington. And nothing says Christmas quite like the Covington/Newton Hometown Christmas Parade which is scheduled to take place Saturday. Sponsored by Main Street Covington and the Covington Lions Club, the parade will begin at 11 a.m. with marchers beginning on Newton Drive and proceeding to the square. There will be floats by local churches, sports teams, schools, civic groups and businesses in this year’s theme of "The Magic of the Christmas Season." No holiday parade would be complete without a visit from Santa who will ride in the parade then take his spot in the Ramsey Furniture Store Annex for photos. The parade route runs from Newton Drive to Anderson Avenue and Floyd Street, then heads west on Floyd and through the square, onto Clark, Lee, Washington and East streets.
Covington Christmas parade is Saturday