Durusau implies that Rand believed all people act in their "rational self-interest" and holds up Madoff as a counterexample. True, Madoff did not practice the virtue of selfishness, but Rand never declared all people are virtuous. What she did say is that if you wish to achieve happiness - which is the purpose of your life - then reason is the tool that will which will allow you to do so. No one who is rational will construct Ponzi schemes. Finally, Durusau evades the fact that in a laissez-faire capitalist "meritocracy," businesses, and particularly failed businesses, would not be supported on the backs of the citizens through state taxation.
Durusau's editorial is typical of Rand's critics; it is light in actually engaging Rand's ideas and heavy on baseless criticism. Sales of "Atlas Shrugged" have spiked for a reason: these ideas are particularly relevant in an era where state control is expanding in our lives.