I really appreciate your new format that is being used by your paper; that is the Scripture used in the upper right hand corner of the front page.
That especially shows me and others that your paper is in agreement with the Almighty God, the Creator of everything, heavens and earth (Hebrews 3:4).
I have one question I desire to have answered. I went to pick up my medicine for November and the clerk in a particular pharmacy locally, where it was stated a certain medication was not manufactured in this country.
I questioned them about the medication, and she told me she had called the doctor’s office in Lincolnton and the doctor had ordered another medication for me. I told the pharmacy clerk my medication could not be pulled from my medical regime. The clerk informed me by way of another clerk that my doctor had ordered another medication.
The new medication made me violently ill, putting me in a hospital near death.
What can be done with persons who like and put your life in danger?
Dianne Hughes