Dear Editor: We have heard so much negative news about education lately that I felt some positive news was in order. I was looking at the two large bags of school supplies that were just dropped off by a member of the Covington Service Guild and was reminded of what wonderful partners in education we have at Mansfield Elementary School. The ladies of the Service Guild take their title seriously and really serve. They have often come to my rescue with supplies that I would have had to otherwise purchase from my personal funds. I am so grateful for their investment in the students I teach. They help us in so many other ways as well.
Those business groups that partner with their local schools deserve a "shout out." Mansfield Elementary School is the excellent school that it is because we have a faculty and staff that work together as a team with the Parents and Partners in Education.
It takes a concentrated effort on all our parts to have the success we desire. We have not "arrived," but I think we are well on our way. I can't think of a better team I'd like to serve with as we strive together to give our students the best education possible. So, to our awesome PTO, The Covington Service Guild, Beaver Manufacturing, Kids R' Great, Blackwell Grocery, Bank of North Georgia, Mansfield Baptist, D and J's Trenching, Burge Plantation, the Mansfield Community and all of my coworkers, thank you!