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Board hires new administrators
Booher named assistant superintendent in Social Circle
Social Circle Schools

MONROE, Ga. - With the school year wrapping this month, both the Walton County and Social Circle boards of education voted to approve some new administrators for the coming year.

Social Circle hired two new assistant principals at Social Circle High School, where Principal Carrie Booher is leaving for the central office and Assistant Principal Tim Armstrong will take over the principal’s office this fall.

The board voted to approve two new assistant principals for SCHS to fill that gap, as Social Circle Middle School Asssistant Principal Craig Hargrove will move up to the same position for the high school, as well as a new hire, Miriam Ledford-Lyle. Both were approved unanimously.

The Walton County Board of Education also made a transfer, moving Loganville Middle School Assistant Principal Brian Hobbs over to Walker Park Elementary School as the new principal.

In other board news, Social Circle approved a rate increase for the out-of-district tuition rate, based on state funding schdules and the school’s average cost of education a pupil.

In an unanimous vote, the board moved to increase the rate to $2,721, from $2,714, for the coming school year.

Stephen Milligan is the news editor of The Walton Tribune.