COVINGTON, Ga. - Newton County Sheriff's Office and the Department of Community Supervision will sponsor its 12th annual Halloween Shut-In from 6 to 10 p.m. Oct. 31.
Sex offenders who are on parole and probation are required to report to this mandatory event to ensure children are safe during trick or treat activities. The agenda for the evening will include guest speakers and an information session. New laws will be reviewed and the sex offenders will have the opportunity to ask questions. They are required to stay for the duration.
The NCSO has urged children and adults to exercise several tips to ensure a safe Halloween: make sure children are dressed safely in flame-retardant costumes and not to wear masks that obstruct vision; adults should accompany young trick or treaters; preferably trick or treat during daylight hours; never go inside a home to accept treats, unless you know the person; target homes and blocks with which you are familiar for trick or treating; look both ways before crossing the street; use established crosswalks wherever possible; and examine all treats for choking hazards and tampering before eating them.
Anyone who notices suspicious or criminal activity should immediately call 911.