Dear editor:
Enrique S. "Kiki" Camarena was an 11-year veteran agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration who was kidnapped, brutally tortured and then murdered in Mexico in 1985.
Prior to serving with the DEA, Agent Camarena was a firefighter, a criminal investigator and a narcotics officer. He was a loving husband and father of three children. His death has inspired millions of Americans to lead a drug-free life, and the Elks and Auxiliary celebrate his commitment to this effort.
October is traditionally Red Ribbon Month, a time when people wear red ribbons to commemorate Agent Camarena’s ultimate sacrifice. The millions of Americans who wear these ribbons visibly take a stand that they are opposed to illicit drug use and commemorate all of those who have been tragically affected by the results of use and abuse.
Please join with the Covington Elks and Auxiliary in celebrating Red Ribbon month by promising to be drug-free. The Covington Elks and Elkadettes have passed out about 15,000 red satin ribbons for students to wear this week. Down with drugs … up with awareness!
Miriam Wheeler
Covington Elkadettes