Dear Editor,
Re: Sunday, Dec. 15, editorial, "Let’s get the right numbers:
In paragraph 3, the word "largest" is, at best, incorrect and misleading.
Alcovy maintained the same rate it posted last year, which is well above the Georgia graduation rate. Over the last 3 years, its graduation rate has increased more than 9 percentage points.
Eastside posted another increase — even more clearly above the state rate — as it has done routinely in recent years. In the last 3 years, EHS has increased its graduation rate by 17.5 percentage points.
Where are the editorials on THOSE trends?
As written, your editorial leads readers to believe all schools had decreases of varying sizes and that 16 percent just happened to be the largest. That would be the impression anyone who hasn’t read your news articles on graduation rate data would be given. (That group includes your editorial writers, it would appear.) This is quite unfair both to Alcovy and Eastside.
Let’s get the right numbers. Sincerely, I couldn’t agree more. But let’s look at them closely and have some sense of what we’re talking about before we write blathering editorials about them, too.