Editor? I am disappointed in the paper. Wonder what the Dennis and Mallard family think?
Freedom of the press? Yeah, right! Only when you (the press) print what you decide — then, to pay an independent columnist to stir up (what could have been a civil race in the East) is even beneath your struggling need to sell papers.
What you’ve done was unnecessary and ugly! Your paper trying to sling mud that’s not there, on incumbent Chris Smith’s record — You, Mr. Pat, and Chris had a man-to-man conversation weeks ago and you promised there would be no more one-sided articles — you sadly didn’t keep that word. So much for a gentleman’s agreement.
I have urged my son, Chris Smith, to hit head on any debate on any issues his opponent wants.
Chris Smith’s four years of talking — and more importantly listening — to those he represents and THEN voting for or against what’s on the agenda that he received, studied and was well-versed from doing homework before it came to a vote, clearly shows his love and devotion to a Covington that he’s been proud to serve and call home.
Deep family roots are firmly planted here, as he’s tried to “preserve the past and deserve the future.”
Irene Robinson Smith, proud mother of Chris R. Smith, councilman, Covington, Georgia.