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Diet moderation, not diet extremism
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Dear Editor,

In response to the letter to the editor dated January 6 written by Richard Callus, I failed to find creditable sources too many statements. With consumption of any food we must eat within levels of moderation. Proper balance diets are what the USDA recommends and you can read for yourself at I would encourage you to make resolutions on a proper suggested diet based on reliable studies and sources. Georgia Beef Board states that Beef provides us with 10 essential nutrients, including Zinc, Iron, and Protein. However, not all proteins are created equal. Animal proteins—such as lean beef—are complete high-quality proteins that contain all the essential amino acids (or building blocks) your body needs for optimal health. Unlike most plant sources of protein, lean meats such as beef, are the food supply’s most readily available and easily absorbed source of iron and zinc, which are key to muscle growth and good health. According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, a substantial number of adolescent girls are iron deficient—therefore, the Guidelines recommend that young girls choose iron-rich foods, such as lean meat, including beef. Iron from Beef carries oxygen in the blood, and it is also important for growth, brain development and a healthy immune system. The zinc in beef is essential for physical and mental development. Vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 aid metabolism, energy production, and healthy circulatory and nervous systems.

Many may say that Americans over-consume Beef; however that is not the case. The surprising fact is that Americans eat less than 2 oz (1.7 oz) of beef every day, well within Dietary Guidelines recommendations. While the Dietary Guidelines recommend 5.5 oz from the Protein Foods Group daily for the average 2,000 calorie diet, which includes, 3.7 oz daily of Meat/Poultry/Eggs, adults are consuming just 1.7 oz of beef a day. According to research by the beef industry, on average, most Americans eat beef 2.5 times per week, well within the recommended intake. Research shows that moderate-protein, beef-based diets help promote overall health and wellness.

Beef is not only good for your body but is also environmentally and nutritionally efficient. Raising a serving of beef today requires less land, water and energy than it did 30 years ago and beef has an 16 percent smaller carbon footprint.

Choosing the right diet isn’t about cutting out animal products that provide us with essential nutrients and having Meatless Mondays, it is about consuming the right foods in moderation and exercising. I encourage everyone for their New Year’s resolution to THANK A FARMER for providing your family with nutritious and safe food.

Crystal Hyatt