Dear Editor: The Aug. 20 edition of The News carried two or the best letters I have read in a long time.
One was from Mr. Harry Long and the other Mr. Chris Jueschtre. Both letters discussed the deterioration of the city of Covington’s ethic policies.
Covington has recently initiated a lowering of their ethics by allowing city elected officials and employees to conduct business and commerce with the city. This policy was changed after operating successfully for 48 years. The public was never told what city employee or elected official pushed for the change or which one wanted to do business with the city or the type of business. All at once, out of the clear blue sky, the council or someone in city management said we need to change this policy. With the help of the city manager and the mayor, the council voted for change.
The lowering of Covington ethical standards is frightening. Covington already does not seem to have any policies that lower employee morale and financial responsibilities. It is my understanding that if a citizen complained to the city of Covington regarding an impropriety by a city employee, that Covington has no whistle-blower policy that would protect the complainant against retaliation. A large segment of Covington’s citizens already mistrust our city government and city departments and won’t file complaints.
I would think that our chamber of commerce would rebel against Covington‘s low ethical standards and demand changes. What industry or business would want to locate in Covington based on these conditions? I can understand why the chamber would want to stay out of this because the city gives them $140,000 or your money each year, plus the motel tax which is over $100,000.
If the city of Covington can qualify for a Certified City of Ethics, why should we lower our standards now?