To the editor: You were correct on page three of Wednesday's Covington News under the heading “Our Thoughts” when you stated “Tragic Weekend.” It was a horribly tragic accident; a life was taken. Mrs. Campbell was taken from her family and friends.
It was a horribly tragic accident; Miss Crowe will live with this forever. Did she set out that evening to be involved in an accident, to accidently take another life? The answer would be no.
What is terribly wrong with this is The Covington News, for reasons unknown to me, has taken the approach to sell papers by headlines, but placing a picture of Miss Crowe on the front page of the Sunday edition and with the repeated words of charges pending, possible alcohol involved is journalism I as a subscriber do not care for.
Whether or not alcohol was involved, whether bad judgement for driving at 3 a.m., whether just falling asleep at the wheel — it’s all pending an investigation by the GSP, so let us not judge Miss Crowe until all the facts are in, and in this country the rule of law will dictate the outcome.
Do I have ties to the Crowe and Bates family? Yes, I’ve known her since birth, her dad and mom since they were very young, her grandparents, all who I’m quite sure have “raised her right,” so we say in the South. She is a senior at Eastside, wanting to head off to college, grow up, become a business person, a lawyer, be someone’s friend, a girlfriend, a wife, a mother. This ordeal may take her down a different road, but we all need to pray for both families involved in this accident. God bless the Crowe and Campbell families.
Fred Harwell