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Welcome to Your Weekend: New Year's Resolutioning

The new year has been here for a week, and everyone is focusing on their New Year's Resolution. There are the classic ones of course; losing weight, joining a gym, eating better, finding Mr. Right. Resolving to do this or that is great but the real trick to a resolution is sticking with it throughout the year. Around 90 percent of people have already resolved to not follow their resolution. For the 10 percent who have thus far succeeded, fantastic job! You are stronger than I. As for the rest of us, I think we place so much pressure on ourselves to succeed that it's quite impossible to stick to these unrealistic expectations we are expected to resolve to do with the bringing in of a new year. A resolution shouldn't be on a timetable, in my personal opinion. When the inevitable failure comes, (because we thought up our resolution in the five minutes leading up to midnight on December 31st) we are upset and slightly depressed. Why didn't my spur of the moment resolution work? Preparation, dear reader. I believe that the 10 percent who have succeeded so far had already resolved to do whatever their resolution was way before midnight hit, and the new year was more coincidental than anything. They had sat down and thought through the logistics of their goal, and had set reasonable things to aspire to. It's not too late to resolve to do something though! All that I ask you to think about is this: be realistic when you set out on your way. Know yourself well enough to set goals that you can actually achieve.

For the determined resolutioners, there is a speed dating meet-up in Lithonia on Sunday that might not be a bad place to start looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right. As for the rest of us, relax. We tried, and here are a few events to take your mind off it. Fernbank is hosting Pirate Day on Saturday, so come out and not only get your pirate name, but all the gear a scallywag needs to sail the high seas. Also happening on Saturday, Southern Beer Tours is taking a tour of local breweries that is sure to be a hops-filled good time. If you're in the mood for destruction, check out Monster Jam this Saturday and watch all of the mechanical monsters battle it out for supremacy.