(Excerpts from an email exchange between school board member Brad Smith and resident Ed Tracey, reprinted with permission.)
To the Board of Education: I was disappointed to find out that four of you voted with no regard to the effects that another tax hike would have on the already struggling tax payers of Rockdale County.
I want to relay to you some information that came out in an interview I did for EdwardCTracey.com with Dan Ray our Tax Commissioner. Dan Ray stated during the interview that because of the delay in getting tax bills out this year because of the change in state law that he will not be able to set the digest until all appeals are completed by the assessor's office. Because of this, the vote you take will be a guess and not an accurate picture of revenue either up or down. I would like you all to explain that if you vote on a millage rate, how you will adjust that rate once you find out that the digest is either higher or lower than you anticipated.
The quality of education does not depend on the number of days one goes to school but what one learns in the time they are at school. The goals of a good education need to be 1. Having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 2. Learning respect and having good citizenship skills. 3. Learning to read, write, and do basic math along with basic science. The founders issued Bibles as their second act as a new country, for all school children in the government system and for the private system. Every school was private and or a charter school. Each student graduated when and only when they passed the courses. Age was not the factor for the grade you were in. They recited scripture.
To be a balanced citizen you need the Bible, budget preparation, reading, writing, spelling, etc. Since the '70s when I was in high school, we have been on a downward trend of real life preparation in our schools. You cannot continue to rate the level of education by the awards you receive or by the fact our test scores meet minimum standards? Big Deal. What was taught that made it OK for 50 seniors to invade a high school property after hours and 20 of them to destroy that property. You think, if they understood ethics, civics, the gospel of Jesus Christ, that would have happened? I say not. I say focusing on the students spiritual, physical, and personal health will produce smarter more responsible students.
I would be happy to meet with you each individually to show you how that is done. Currently outside faith groups are doing more to prepare those falling out of your system than you are. If you made FCA, One Heart Ministries and teacher devotionals part of the mainstream education system, I guarantee you the money spent on Sheriffs Deputies would be cut in half in just four years and disciplinary departments could be totally defunded.
You can save millions by privatizing the entire educational system. Lease each school to a private company. Other states are doing it. They are saving millions per year. It is time to really look at safe walking zones within middle and high school districts. Anywhere within three miles students should walk. You can use SPLOST dollars to build sidewalks where there aren't any.
By taking federal money you have made us a slave to the federal government. It is time to reduce the dependence on the federal government and fight for a better future for our children.
Start thinking outside the box. Old tired thinking or expediency is the death of America. We are educating students for the 20th century and not for the 21st century. Most kids could learn better with a computer and internet programs from the comfort of their home.
Edward C. Tracey