Rockdale County saw more than 2,400 accidents in 2014, with at least 400 of those involving injuries. Take a look at the locations of the crashes with injuries in Rockdale.
Reasons for Crashes
The top contributing factors for the crashes in 2014 were:
Following Too Close (in 675 crashes) (25%)
Failure to Yield (350) (13%)
Improper Backing (239) (9%)
No Contributing Factors (217) (8%)
Object or Animal (194) (7.4%)
Driver Lost Control (165)
Misjudged Clearance (159)
Inattentive (119)
Changed Lanes Improperly (119)
Other (100)
Weather Conditions (78)
Improper Turn (63)
DUI (57)
Distracted (51)
Disregard Stop Sign/Signal (36)
Driver Condition (32)
Wrong Side of the Road (31)
Mechanical or Vehicle Failure (28)
Improper Passing (26)
Exceeding Speed Limit (9)
Driverless Vehicle (8)
Surface Defects (8)
Cell Phone (4) (0.2%)
Parked Improperly (4)
No Signal/Improper Signal (2)
Disregarding Police Officer (1)
Improper Passing of School Bus (1)