On Nov. 10, 2011 Rockdale County hosted a Northwest District Area Cotton Boll & Consumer Jamboree for 156 Junior and Senior 4-H’ers. The event, sponsored by the Georgia Cotton Commission and the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Science’s Cooperative Extension tests 4-H’ers knowledge in consumer trends. Each contestant tests his/her clothing and consumer knowledge by ranking four classes of clothing, consumer goods or services from "best to worst" for a specific buying situation. Through this competition 4-H’ers learn how to make knowledgeable, rational decisions when purchasing goods and services. As a result, they understand how to get the most for their dollar while acting as responsible consumers. Rockdale County’s senior team comprised of Tiffani Alexander, Steven Bailey, Jenna Chrisman, Ryan Kelley and Breyanna King took third place in the senior division of the competition. Benahia Chandler, Jessica France and Rashad Holmes made up Rockdale County’s junior team.
The Cotton Ball