Suveillance camera contract approved (Jan. 18, 2012)
Conyers to pursue surveillance cameras (Aug. 25, 2011)
In an effort to ramp-up security among the main business districts within the city limits, the Conyers Police Department will soon be installing public safety cameras that will be monitored by the 911 center.
On Wednesday, city council members adopted a 'Memorandum of Understanding" to be entered between business owners and the city for the installation and maintenance of the public safety camera system. According to the memorandum, the goals of the camera system include providing a police presence through virtual patrol to reduce the fear of crime and to enhance officer response to crimes in progress.
"The businesses really want this level of contact and surveillance," City Manager Tony Lucas said Wednesday. "They have all been very positive about having the cameras in place."
By signing the agreement, local businesses will agree to the placement of the camera unit on-site and agree to provide electrical service to the cameras. However, businesses owners would not have access to the footage without an open records request.
The camera system will be in plain view of the public and businesses will be allowed to advertise use of cameras in the area though they won't be monitored by the business.
Lucas said if some businesses are resistant to the installation of cameras on their property the city will aim to place the cameras within the right-of-way.