Elks Aidmore, Inc. recently received $3,000 in assistance from Snapping Shoals EMC’s Operation Round Up program to support the expansion of its programs for at-risks teenagers and young adults.
“We are humbled by the historic support that Snapping Shoals EMC’s Operation Round Up program has provided to our local community and thankful for their support of our mission and goal to save Georgia’s most at-risk children. Our goal is to help children in foster care realize their potential of becoming healthy contributing adults and consequently reduce the homeless cycle among former children in foster care- three in every ten become homeless adults ,” said Abe Wilkinson, CEO of Elks Aidmore, Inc.
The eight decade old nonprofit and retreat grounds is in the process of expanding its services, in part to meet the increased need generated by the economic recession, according to spokesperson Dawn Butler.
For more information regarding Elks Aidmore, Inc. please visit: www.elksaidmore.com.