Rockdale County received three grants from the state’s Accountability Court Funding Committee and Gov. Nathan Deal to strengthen Rockdale’s accountability court programs for juveniles and adults.
Rockdale County DUI Court Supervised Treatment Program under Judge Nancy Bills has been awarded $51,190. The funds will be used for drug testing supplies, office supplies, participant monitoring and case management, and staff training.
The program has been operating since 2007, and has successfully graduated 58 clients.
At 24 months post-graduation, the program has a 3 percent DUI recidivism rate.
Rockdale County Juvenile Drug Court under Judge William Schneider has been awarded $59,939, which is an increase from the previous year’s grant of $31,386 according to Program Administrator Teresa Gordy.
The program is in its second year, and is currently serving five juveniles who are receiving substance abuse treatment as an alternative to formal probation.
The program lasts for 12 – 24 months and serves juveniles ages 14 – 17 who the Drug Court Team identifies as in need of substance abuse treatment. Participation is voluntary after the juvenile is deemed appropriate for treatment.
Participants attend two substance abuse groups a week at ARP Counseling and attend frequent drug screenings by the program surveillance officer. Upon successful completion of the Drug Court Program, the juvenile’s initial charge will be dismissed. The Drug Court identifies progress in treatment, clean time, involves families, as well as implements sanctions and incentives to encourage sobriety.
The program’s first graduation ceremony in March 2013 celebrated three participants.
Rockdale County Adult Drug Court under Judge Robert Mumford has been awarded $100, 637. The funds will be used for program operation, drug testing supplies, participant monitoring, and staff. Funds will also go towards furthering the community’s awareness of the program.
The grants for all three courts are effective July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.