This week is Red Ribbon Week around the country, and Rockdale is getting in on the awareness campaign.
This year’s Red Ribbon theme is “I am Drug Free. Lock your meds,” to remind parents to safeguard prescription drugs and alcohol in their homes.
Red Ribbon Week is a national initiative to get people and their communities involved in taking a stand against substance abuse, and sharing the attitude of just saying "no." The activities run from Oct. 23 to Oct. 31, and the Rockdale County Public School system is helping to spread the word.
For one attention-grabing awareness activity, Salem High School peer counselors invoke the old adage a picture is worth 1,000 words. The project was the brainchild of counselor Dr. Cynthia Morton who had a totaled car placed in front of the school with changing shifts of students made up as crash victims to show an extreme outcome of a bad decision. “Respect yourself, don’t do drugs. We’re trying to get the message across that this can really happen,” said senior Nandi Jacobs.
Here is a list of the activities planned throughout RCPS schools:
Thursday: Drugs and I don't Mix - wear mismatched clothes
Friday: Drugs are Batty - wear orange and black
C.J. Hicks
Thursday: Turn your Back on Drugs Day - wear clothing inside out or backward
Friday: I am Red-y to stay drug free - wear red from head to toe
Flat Shoals
Thursday: Tie one on against Drugs - wear a tie or bow
Friday: Spirit Day, Count on me to be Drug Free - wear Flat Shoals Elementary school shirt, College or team shirt and jeans
Hightower Trail
Thursday: The Future's Looking Bright - college shirt or colors
Friday: Stand Tall-Stand Proud - School Spirit wear
Honey Creek
Thursday: Red Clothing
J.H. House
Thursday: Team Up Against Drugs - wear favorite team jersey/shirt
Friday: Color Me Drug Free - wear red
Lorraine will host daily announcements on their news show, have spirit days and students will be eligible for drawings throughout the week and the end o ht week for wearing ribbons each day.
Peek's Chapel
Thursday: Drug-Free Dress-Out Soc it To Drugs - wear silly socks
Friday: Drug Free Dress-Out Drugs are not Our Style - wear red shirts
Pine Street
Thursday: Team Up Against Drugs - wear jerseys or sweat shirts from favorite sports team
Friday: We are Red-y to battle drugs - wear jeans and red shirts
Thursday: Drugs and I Don't Mix - wear mismatched (tacky) clothes
Friday: And the Winner is - Announcement of winners for poster contest
Shoal Creek
Thursday: Team Up Against Drugs - wear favorite sports team's jersey
Friday: I'm a Jean-ius...I'm Drug Free - wear blue jeans and a CMS shirt
Edwards Middle School
Thursday: Wear Red Day
Friday: Patriot Pride Day
Davis Middle School
Thursday: Put a Cap on Drugs - wear your most interesting hat
Friday: Black Out Drugs - wear black clothing
Memorial Middle School
Thursday: Shade Out Drugs - wear sunglasses
Friday: Say Boo to Drugs - wear tacky freaky Friday clothes
Heritage High School
Thursday: Jersey/Club Day
Friday: Red Day
Rockdale County High School
Rockdale will be decorating throughout the school, giving out items in the lunch room and doing activities throughout the week.
Salem High School
A wrecked car will be displayed in front of the school.
Rockdale Career Academy
Rockdale Career Academy will have the Trail of Poor Choices on Nov. 5 and 6.
Open Campus
Thursday: Carnival Lunch Day