The Rockdale County Board of Education appointed Georgi Brown principal of Rockdale County High School upon the resignation of current Principal Cynthia Hudson. Michell Glover has been named assistant principal of RCHS.
The board appointed Brown on a recommendation from Superintendent Samuel King.
"Ms. Brown is a proven leader in our organization and has extensive knowledge of our strategic plan, our goals and expectations," said King. "She has experience with similar demographics and already has relationships with many of the families in the RCHS community. Because of this, she brings stability during a time of change and growth at the high school."
Glover, who will work with the school on special assignment, is currently the principal of Lincoln High School in Charleston County School District in South Carolina.
"Ms. Glover has experience at the high school level with similar demographics," King said. "She also has strong high school reform skills and experience. We are developing a customized job description for this position based on the needs of the school. We welcome her to our school system and to the Rockdale community."
Glover will begin her role in June and will work closely with Brown for a smooth transition and preparation for the upcoming school year. - Staff reports