Pilot partners: Rockdale News Publisher Pat Cavanaugh, right, and Circulation Director Bill Herbert, left, present a check for more than $700 to Pilot Club Fundraising Committee Chair Dolores Biddy for the club’s subscription fundraising efforts with the News. The Pilot Club received $20 for every subscription of the Rockdale News they sold or signed up under their name. The check was presented Thursday evening at a dinner provided by The Remington House. The Pilot Club of Conyers is a charitable non-profit that works to help alleviate brain injuries and issues, both accidental and developmental. Some of the groups that the Pilot Club donates to include Children First (an in-home autism support group), Light House Village, Epilepsy Foundation of Georgia, Georgia Artists with Disabilities, My Special Friends Daycare Center in Conyers, Newton-Rockdale Brain Injury Support Group, Newton-Rockdale Special Olympics, Rockdale County Sheriff’s Office Project Lifesaver, Autism Support Group, Rockdale Cares, Senior Services Meals on Wheels and Servants of the Lord Meals on Wheels program.
Pilot donation