The Pilot Club of Conyers honored and presented donations to 11 organizations at its Share Pilot Night on March 11. (Left to right) Back row: Rick Lewis and Carol Lewis (Newton-Rockdale Brain Injury Support Group), Nancy Shealy (Georgia Artists with Disabilities), Sharon Darley (Children First), Barbara Kilpatrick (Rockdale Cares), Cari Mordt (Servants of the Lord Meals on Wheels), Jeff Beech (Lighthouse Village), Rockdale County Sheriff's Office deputies Lt. Mike Sellers and Cpl. Andy Arnold (RCSO Project Lifesaver). Seated: Sirena Graves (Rockdale Autism Support Group), Shirley Riley (Meals on Wheels Rockdale Senior Services), Glynice Hayes (Georgia Artists with Disabilities). Not shown are Carolyn Peacock (My Special Friends Daycare Center), Lloyd Brown (Epilepsy Foundation Georgia). The Pilot Club is a service organization and charity focusing on brain-related disorders.
Pilot Club honors eleven