Two weeks ago it came to light that Jonny Brown, a member of the Rockdale County Board of Elections, wrote an insensitive and racially charged column that was printed on a local web site.
Two weeks ago, we ran an editorial that asked Mr. Brown to step down from this position.
We have heard and read that Mr. Brown, under his first amendment rights, has a right to his opinions and the right to make them public if he chooses.
We agree, and we support that right even if it means the words said or written are hurtful and divisive.
If Mr. Brown had made these comments as a private citizen, we doubt that it would have ruffled as many feathers. But he is not a private citizen as he, by his own choice, has become a public official and as such represents the citizens of Rockdale County in the public arena.
If Mr. Brown feels in his heart that Rockdale County because of an election is doomed, that’s too bad for him. And for those that might defend such public statements and sentiments as Mr. Brown’s and who have said that they are exiting to greener pastures, at least in their point of view, don’t let the proverbial door hit you as you exit.
We have a progressive community and we see no reason why that it is not going to continue to grow and prosper.
Mr. Brown should have the courage to recognize that his kind of rationale is no longer acceptable or appreciated and he would serve our county best if he would step down from his visible post.