We understand copyright laws and we even understand why laws were created to protect the infringement of these laws. But we feel that the interpretation of laws like this has gone too far.
The Florida State logo features the name Seminoles and features a logo of a Seminole in full war paint. We assume that this logo and design were chosen because the Seminole nation were a people who were filled with pride and determination and never officially surrendered to the United States authorities.
We can see why our local high school chose the same group of people to honor and use as a rallying point for all of their activities. Salem has proudly used this emblem for the past two decades.
It's a pure and useless shame that lawyers from Florida State would be so aggressive in going after a school that only wanted to instill a spirit that was personified by the Seminoles.
The cost to the school system to change logos and possibly mascots is not a cost that is needed during these tough economic times.
Shame on Florida State University; may your sports teams go winless for the next 20 years
Olde Town
We salute the decision of the Conyers Downtown Development Authority to purchase and develop the vacant property located at 941 North Main Street in downtown Conyers.
We have a charming and progressively growing downtown and hope this purchase will continue that growth.
You would have seen the proof of that growth if you had seen or been a part of the annual St. Pat's parade last week.Olde Town was alive with families and neighbors and became the centerpiece of all community activities - exactly how downtowns were designed to be when they were developed.