Dear Editor: My daughter Danielle was attacked in our subdivision Westchester Lakes by a dog who had bitten another woman a year ago and attacked and killed a neighbor’s dog in May 2002. That case went to court and the dog was not put down despite biting the neighbor’s 12-year-old child that same day.
In another incident, welcome hostesses for the community were walking up to a neighbor’s house and three vicious dogs jumped out of a window to attack them and killed another little dog in the neighborhood.
Emergency room doctors say it is an all too common occurrence for a community with leash laws.
Two years ago Georgia passed a dangerous dog law that doesn’t seem to be effective.
The animal control people are overwhelmed with work and are trying to start (in my words not theirs) a course for dumb pet owners. There needs to be more teeth in the law, no pun intended.
Edward Tracey