IN BRIEF: Governor Nathan Deal and First Lady Sandra Deal will be visiting Pine Street Elementary first thing Monday morning to see Rockdale County Public School's Pre-K programs.
RCPS Superintendent Richard Autry said that word of RCPS's Pre-K program and early learning work with students had reached the First Lady.
"Our consultant and liason for Bright from the Start - they run our Pre-K - she bragged on us so much to the First Lady that the First Lady took her up on it," Autry said at Thursday's school board meeting.
Governor Deal will read a poem to students and First Lady Sandra Deal will be reading a story, said Autry.
In neighboring Newton County, the First Lady Sandra Deal and Commissioner Bobby Cagle from the Department of Early Care and Learning will visit South Salem Elementary School from 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., according to a released statement from Newton County Public Schools.