It looks like Rockdale County Public Schools will be receiving $10.9 million more dollars from state tax funds; this is a welcome sight for our local school children and their teachers.
There are plans to give all employees an across the board 3 percent raise for all employees; we support this action, also class size is going to be lowered we also support this action.
For more details on what plans are being made to use extra monies, go to last week’s edition or go to
We support any action that is taken by the school board and administration to improve the quality of education provided our children.
The RCPS Finance Director said that all these positive changes should be done without raising the mileage rate again this year; that is positive news in itself. We take Davis at his word, and we do not support raising the mileage rate to pay for any of these changes.
We trust the school board will work to insure that a millage rate does not happen this year.