School supplies needed:
Pencil sharpeners
3 ringbinders 1" & 3"
Composition notebooks
Kindergarten-Nap Mats (there is a particular shortage of these mats)
Handwriting Tablets
Ticoneroga Pencils
Dry Erase Markers and Erasers
3 & 5 Subject Notebooks
Graph Paper and Notebooks
Lunch Boxes
For the children living at Project ReNeWal, a domestic violence shelter, their lives have often been filled with stresses no child should endure, but getting ready to start a new school year shouldn't be one of them.
The shelter needs donations of school supplies (including bookbags) and school clothing for the children.
"The children are just as much victims as the adult of domestic violence," said Vicky Atkinson, a volunteer with the shelter and the mother of Audrey Atkinson, who was slain by her abusive boyfriend, who then killed himself in 2010. She now raises her grandson, who lost both his mother and his father to domestic violence.
"These children feel the pain of their parents and carry it in their hearts forever," said Atkinson. "Some of these children don't even have a place to call home anyone because of the selfishness of the abuser. The children are forced to leave their beds in the middle of the night and wake up in a strange place with nothing but the clothes on their backs. When school starts up again they are put in a place where they are judged by what they wear and how they look. Helping them to feel accepted by providing the necessary supplies they need for school will give them confidence that was taken away from them.
"These children did not ask to be born into a family of domestic violence," continued Atkinson. "They would love to see their parents love each other and feel secure when they go to bed at night, but instead lots of them are afraid. If you can help just one child, then please do it. The little things of becoming the person they strive to be helps to make them feel whole again. If you can give them the supplies for school and possibly a change of clothes, you have helped a child today."
The supplies can be brought to the Project ReNeWal's administrative offices at 1432 Starcrest Drive, Conyers, next to the Westbury Nursing Home behind the Rockdale Medical Center, and can be brought in the office from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. or left on the porch.
If you or anyone you know is a victim of abuse, contact Project ReNeWal for 24-hour assistance at (770) 860-1666. Visit them online at