Rockdale County's fire coverage rating, which impacts insurance premiums, will stay about the same at a 4/9 rating, the county announced after releasing the results of a once-a-decade study.
The Insurance Services Office, ISO, analysis for Rockdale County have been returned and the results classified the county at a 4/9 rating. The information provided by the ISO study plays an important role in the underwriting process of insurance companies. The premium insurance companies charge to policyholders is determined by public fire protection.
The class 4 rating applies to properties that are within 5 miles road distance of a fire station and within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant. The class 9 rating applies to properties beyond 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant but within a 5 mile road distance of a fire station.
Though majority of the Rockdale County will fall under the 4/9 rating there are a few exceptions in the county that will classify at a class 10 rating. A class 10 rating applies to properties over a 5 mile road distance to a fire station.
The ISO study is conducted approximately once every ten years. The last ISO study for Rockdale County was in 2000. Since then the county’s population has increased about 22 percent, or from 75,000 to 85,000. With the construction of two new fire stations, hiring of more personnel, purchase of required equipment for the engines the county was able to maintain the same rating as 2000.
The ISO study is based on a range of information including the department’s fire alarm and communication system, engine companies and personnel, training, apparatus and its abilities, and the water supply within the county. The information is collected through meetings between ISO field representatives, communications supervisor, fire officials and water authority in conjunction with a comprehensive questionnaire.
County's fire protection rating stays same