"A bill to be entitled an Act to amend Part 3 of Article 4 of Chapter 11 of Title 16 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to carrying and possession of firearms, so as to authorize persons who are between the ages of 18-21 to carry firearms under certain circumstances; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes." www.legis.ga.gov/legislation/en-US/Display/20112012/SB/493
It is an absolute shock to see the possible passing of SB 493 granting individuals from the age of 18-21 the right to carry a concealed firearm. Do you really want your children, some of whom are still in high school, to be walking around with a concealed firearm outside of school property? Some of our children regardless of being chronologically 18 and being deemed an "adult" in the eyes of the law, are not even close to handling the responsibility of carrying a concealed firearm. Who in their right mind would want our children to walk around with a pistol under their garments and out of sight of an unsuspecting populace?
Why are these politicians tempting fate by placing concealed weapons in the hands of our children? Now is the time to contact your Representatives, Congressman, Legislators and especially the Governor and tell them to vote NO to the passing of this bill.
For some of us it is hard enough to get our children to graduate high school. We definitely do not need legislation that wants to put a firearm in the hands of our high school children. This bill needs to be defeated and not be allowed to become law!
Michael Minkoff
Rockdale County