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Cleaning up Sugar Hill
On Saturday, June 13 residents of the Sugar Hill Community vowed to take back their community. Approximately 36 residents, of which 22 were youth ranging in ages 4 to 22 turned out for the clean-up on a hot Saturday.

"They really took ownership" of the cleanup, said organizer Iffat Walker. "They came together to clean up their neighborhood."

Keep Conyers and Rockdale Beautiful teamed up with the residents to supply gloves, bags and vests to be used during the clean-up.

Residents tore down old signs, removed trash from community streets and mowed lawns of residents unable to maintain their grass. This clean-up was lead by the newly formed Sugar Hill Neighborhood Association Committee, and is the first in many planned activities to revitalize this community.

During the clean-up, the team also made note of vacant homes, homes for rent and sale that had not been maintained. The team plans to forward the list to county officials for warning letters to be mailed to owners.

"Hopefully this will be the push we need to urge owners to maintain the appearance of their homes," said Walker. "We need the support of every resident."

The team is also working on raising funds to replace six entrance signs and is looking for contractors willing to give quotes on the work.

The committee consists of the following residents: Co-Chairs Iffat Walker and Sandra Sandford Jackson, Secretary Miranda Fallen-Bobo, Assistant Secretary Joyce Evans, Treasurer I Tracy Wade, Treasurer II Derrick Gaither and Parliamentarian Tommy Norman.