A few local events celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness Month and fundraising for the fight against breast cancer.
Thursday, Oct. 2
Journey Through Breast Cancer
5:30 - 7:30 p.m., Rockdale Medical Center, East Tower Classrooms; panel of expert physicians answer your questions on detecting, treating, recovering from and reducing your risk of breast cancer.
Sunday, Oct. 5
Pink Pooch Parade
3 -6 p.m.; start and end at Olde Town Conyers Pavilion; $25 registration at The Pampered Puppy 953 South Main St., or contact pinkpoochparade@gmail.com, 770-712-7653.
Sunday, Oct. 19
Worship in Pink Celebration
10 a.m.; The annual "Worship in Pink Celebration" recognizing breast cancer awareness month; at Antioch A.M.E. Church on Ebenezer Road.
Tuesday, Oct. 21,
2014 Wall of Hope, Kim's Closet unveiling
3 p.m.; the unvealing of the annual Wall of Hope portraits of breast cancer survivors at Rockdale Medical Center's Women's Diagnostic Center. New this year, the breast cancer boutique at RMC will also be unveiled; 1412 Milstead Ave NE, Conyers; Contact Jean Yontz, 404-775-8893 for more information.
Saturday, Nov. 1
Chili Cookoff and Ride
Chili Cookoff; Eat for $5 or register for the competition; Registration is free; go to http://ride.kimatkins.net/ChiliCookoff.aspx or call (770) 922-9578 ext 215