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Breakfast for church and community leaders on Jan. 26
Church community key to family violence prevention
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All pastors, church and community leaders are invited to participate in the East Gate Breakfast on Saturday, Jan. 26 from 9:30-11a.m. It will take place at the Father’s House located at 1203 Royal Drive, Conyers. This is a free, continental breakfast featuring guest speaker, Judge Nancy Bills, about the Family Violence Task Force. 

East Gate is a non-profit organization that works to connect various nonprofit organizations with churches in the community. By connecting these two groups, Debbie Hogg, cofounder of East Gate, explains that “we make a bigger impact on the community and we’re able to serve it better.”  East Gate was founded two years ago, but was able to begin operation last year. They held breakfasts on a monthly basis, but this will be the first one of the new year.  The breakfasts are simply a way to bring community and church leaders together with other nonprofits, with a goal of serving the community in the most impactful way. 

At the upcoming breakfast, guest speaker, Judge Nancy Bills, will be speaking about the Family Violence Task Force. “It’s important that we bring in the church leaders because often times women and young girls experiencing abuse will go to a church or spiritual leader before they go to law enforcement,” says Hogg. “By training and equipping leaders with information and resources on what to do in those situations, we can help expose it before it worsens and escalates to extreme violence or even death.” Hogg continued to explain that “many Pastors don’t realize there can be serious legal consequences if they know information about abuse situations and don’t report it.” By participating in this breakfast, they will be provided with specific information on what steps to take when involved with that type of problem.

Hogg really stresses the importance of churches working together to better assist the community. She encourages pastors and other community leaders to contact her so she can put them in touch with nonprofits in the community that would benefit from their involvement. “It’s about finding out the needs of the community, putting aside our own personal agendas and serving the people in the area. That’s what Jesus came for, to serve. And the body of Christ should strive to follow His example, and work together by pooling resources, and sharing ideas to best reach, serve and build a healthy community.”

For more information, and to RSVP for the breakfast, contact Debbie Hogg at