Motorists traveling through the city of Conyers will need to watch out starting Dec. 1 for crews marking special bicycle lanes, or sharrows, for motorists and bicyclists.
The project will begin Thursday, Dec. 1 and, is expected to last six to eight weeks weather permitting. Streets affected by the sharrow marking are: Main Street, Pine Log Road, Rowland Road, Milstead Avenue and Industrial Boulevard.
The cost for the bike sharrow and signage installation program is $39,346.50. The city of Conyers received a $4,000 grant from Georgia Bikes and the balance of the project is funded through the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax. Peeks Pavement Marking, LLC is the company that was awarded the contract for marking city streets with bicycle sharrows, a shared-lane marking indicating that a bicyclist may use the lane.
A moving lane closure is expected while the bike sharrows are installed, so some traffic delays may occur.