Round one is over and the winner is, well, yet to be determined. Primary Election Day is like a regular visit to the dentist, only to discover you have to come back for a root canal.
It should be noted primary day took place on the anniversary of the first moon landing. Given the space between the ears of some candidates and the vacuum they leave when speaking this should not be considered a coincidence.
Although some elections are final there are still runoffs and after that we have a long way to go before we get to the final showdown in November. The result of this is we will be maltreated in weeks to come with more political advertising.
Listening to further banal blathering of candidates seems excessive and a pox upon the citizenry.
Just once it would be refreshing to hear a candidate stand up and say, "Vote for me because I’m outta work" or "Vote for me because I will not lie or steal as much as my opponent, at least not from the start."
It is not so much the ads themselves, because we all pretty much know that if any of these guys caught themselves telling the whole truth about what they really want to do if elected, their tongues would snap off and crawl away.
Trying to watch TV during election season is fraught with visual peril because you will find yourself accosted by an endless stream of commercials either touting the attributes of one candidate or denigrating the qualities of another. The mute button doesn't help because you can still see their mouth moving.
It can reach the point where one is willing to channel surf to another commercial as long as the other commercial is about tennis shoes, phone service, male enhancement or anything other than a vote-for-me ad.
Do this enough and soon you will not be able to tell the difference between a political ad and a commercial for a product designed to keep you regular.
Given the abusive nature of political ads upon the public it seems to me the time would be right for the Attorney General to charge candidates with assault or use of provoking language. You can bet that would be one time everyone would want to be on the jury.
Of course, after they are in office they are seldom charged with perpetrating a fraud upon the public and since the AG is also elected it could challenge the right of a person to not incriminate themselves.
Having to tolerate political ads during election season is a price we pay for the system we have to elect our leaders. Political ads are the way candidates believe they will reach the most people in the shortest amount of time while providing the minimum amount of relevant information to the voter. This is why voters must not only be able to tolerate these yammerings but also evaluate them for, if not truth, some semblance of character that might be revealed from the candidate.
It may not be the best system but it’s the one we have and better than a root canal.
Ric Latarski is a former crime and courts reporter and can be reached at