IN BRIEF: Attorney Thua Barlay was named as the 2014 Jerry Barboe Small Business Person of the Year by the Conyers-Rockdale Chamber of Commerce.
"I'm at a loss for words," said Barlay. He said he "caught the Rockdale bug" after going through the Leadership Rockdale program. "It opened my eyes to the community" and its warmth and possibilities.
"Thank you to everbody who made this possible for me. I love this community. I love this Chamber," said Barlay.
Barlay, of McDonough, is the owner of Barlay Law Group for real estate and estate planning. He served as the chairman of the Conyers-Rockdale Chamber of Commerce last year and is spearheading the Leadership Collaborative initiative to bring together Rockdale Conyers agencies, government heads for better growth and economic/community development; he is also a Leadership Rockdale graduate, Conyers Rotary Club member.
The two other finalists were Dotti Bala of Copy Central and Scott Hartsell of
Bala of Conyers is the owner/CFO of Copy Central, Inc. on Parker Road, which has been in business18 years, eight in Conyers, she's a CASA volunteer, Leadership Rockdale Class of 2013 graduate, member of associations such as Conyers-Rockdale Council of the Arts board, ABWA, Conyers Rotary Club, Chamber Business Connections leads group; coached Rockdale girl's softball, youth soccer, Girl Scout leader, club scout den mother.
Scott Hartsell of Conyers owns technology company, his fourth technology company; he donates marketing services/technical resources to non-profits and efforts such as Leadership Rockdale, Hands Across Rockdale, Chamber of Commerce, Salem High; chair of Chamber Communications committee, Walk of Heroes Veterans Memorial board member, teaches in Chamber's Entrepreneurial Academy.
This is the 26th year of the award, which is named for Citizens Office Supply owner Jerry Barboe, who died in 1987.