Dear Editor: Reasons do exist for obstructing access to information that could produce a better-informed citizenry. What’s a citizen to do? Vote and speak out. A citizen’s vote and voice are his or her greatest assets.
The "Genie" is out of the bottle, the "20-Year Sleepers" have awakened, and the "By-and-By Believers" recognize that "He" helps those who help themselves. Independent-minded voters aggressively pursue equity and transparency in the application of rules of law and policy. This assumes the integrity of officials, especially those who remain in positions exceeding 10 years. We must be ever vigilant that our officials continue to negotiate and advocate for citizens. We must never allow them to become untouchable dictators with self-serving interests. We the people must ensure that all officials keep the best interest of all citizens at the heart of everything they do. Each vigilant independent-minded voter holds a key that ensures the equitable application of laws, distribution of negotiated assets, and recognition of rights among all citizens. As informed citizens, our independent actions keep the promise of "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" alive. We do that with our vote, and vote we must! Lew Belcher Rockdale County
Awakening Genie
Letter to the Editor