Plan 2040:
Board of Commissioners Feb. 8 Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: Pastor Daniel Smith – Millers Chapel Baptist Church
3. Special Recognition/Presentation: StormReady Certification – National Weather Service in Conjunction with Georgia Emergency Management Association (GEMA)
4. Public Comment
5. Approval of Minutes: January 25, 2011; February 1, 2011
6. Approval of the Agenda
7. Unfinished Business:
A. 2011 Legislative Packet
1. Stormwater: Authorize the County stormwater utility to use liens against the property as a tool to assist with the collection of stormwater utility bills. The intent of this initiative is to obtain outstanding revenue in order to better manage and maintain stormwater issues.
B. Policy: Non-Profit Organization Funding Policy: Sponsored by Commissioner Van Ness
C. 2011 Capital Budget – General Fund
8. New Business:
A. Contracts
1.Peek Pavement Marking, LLC – Supplemental Agreement – SPLOST Restriping Project - #C-2010-96- CO1 – Deductive Change Order - $-85,849.82
2. ESG Operations, Inc. – Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Settlement of the EPD Non- Compliance Fee as Listed in Consent Order #EPD-WQ-5209 - $23,340
3. Snapping Shoals Electric Membership Corporation – Security Light Contract – Street Light for the Intersection of Smyrna Road @ McDaniel Mill Road - $18 Per Month
4. Mactec Engineering and Consulting, Inc. – Engineering and Design Services – SR138/20 Beautification Initiative Phase II – Landscaping for Highway 138 Corridor from I-20 to the Horse Park - $57,108
5. Pittman Construction Company – Supplemental Agreement – SPLOST Resurfacing Project - #C-2009- 78-CO1 – Deductive Change Order - $-58,247.98
B. Resolutions
1. Resolution Supporting Deferral of the Dekalb County Consent Decree regarding Wastewater Tunnel System that Would Connect the Snapfinger Wastewater Treatment Plant with the Pole Bridge Wastewater Treatment Plant - Ratification
C. Ordinances
1. An Ordinance to Amend Section 31of Chapter 94 of the Code of Rockdale County, Georgia, as Amended, so as to Amend the Established Speed Limits Within Rockdale County, Georgia – First Reading
D. Requisitions
1. General Fund
a. Clerk of Courts – Juror Account – Juror Fees for 2011 - $112,000
2. Water and Sewer
a. Water Treatment Plant – CedarChem – Six Deliveries of PAC - $109,020
b. Water Treatment Plant – Air Products – Liquid Oxygen - $18,761.59
E. Surplus of Equipment
1. General Fund
a. Recreation and Maintenance
9. Executive Session
10. Board Comment
11. Adjournment
Wonder what the greater Atlanta region will look like in 30 years?
A representative from the Atlanta Regional Commission will present information at the Board of Commissioners evening meeting on Tuesday about the ARC's 2040 Plan, a comprehensive map of the Atlanta region's growth and development in the next three decades.
The plan, a multi-year project that is wrapping up in 2011, takes a look at a wide array of areas, from transportation modes to the economy to housing and human services, and proposes concrete steps to address these areas. For more information, visit the ARC's website,
The BOC will meet for a work session at the JP Carr center on 981 Taylor Street at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 1.
Also on the agenda, as part of the discussion for the Feb. 8 meeting agenda review, is the policy on funding non-profits and the general fund 2011 capital budget.