This study, written by Priscilla Shirer, national author and speaker, delivers familiar spiritual disciplines through a fresh, new method of study. As participants respond to a variety of biblical passages, prompted by thought-provoking questions, they will develop a Christ-focused view on important issues and experience a closer walk with their creator. This study is designed to help women develop a conversation, not with each other or the instructor, but with God himself. It is ideal for busy women, with a small commitment of time each day, while offering depth for the most serious Bible student.
Jackie Hardy will be the facilitator for this study. Jackie grew up at Calvary Baptist Church and now lives in Greensboro, where her husband serves as pastor at First Baptist Church. Jackie has led Bible study opportunities for women for many years, both in local churches in small group settings, and for large group gatherings.
"I am looking forward to being ‘home' for this opportunity," Hardy said. "I look forward to what the study has to offer for me in developing a deeper Bible study and prayer life, as well as those who choose to participate. I anticipate life-changing conversations, both within the group and with God!"
"Can We Talk?" member books will be offered at a cost of $12 each and can be purchased at the introductory meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 5. The study will conclude on
September 16. There is no additional cost for this study.
For questions, or to register in advance, please contact the church office at (770) 786-3216. You may also e-mail Jackie with questions at Dr. Larry Cheek serves as interim pastor at Calvary Baptist Church.